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This Is What It Looks Like When Your Gmail Gets Hacked By China

China hacked

Earlier this year, an outraged Sergey Brin decided to move Google's search engine out of China after he found out that hackers employed by the government broke into users' accounts.

Now I know how he felt. Folks, I am a victim of Red China.

Let me explain.

The first thing I do every weekday morning is reach for my phone off my nightstand and check my email.

Last Friday, I picked up my phone and found it would not load my personal Gmail account. 

After a few moments, I found this weird email from my personal account in my work inbox. Its subject line was "hi," and it read like this:

I have a good information to share with you.
A while ago,a trading company attractive to me,
the price is very competitive advantage, so I bought some products.
It is very exciting,very pleased when I got and saw my goods.
I think you can go to see:  << >>
you'll save more money in there.

Obviously, I'd been hacked. I let Google know, and within 15 minutes I was back in control of my account (with a new password). But I still had a mystery on my hands: who had hacked in my account and how?

Today the mystery was solved.

China got me.

In my inbox this afternoon, I found a bright red warning from Google blazed across the top of my inbox. It read, "We believe your account was recently accessed from: China."

This is what your inbox looks like when you've been hacked by China:

China hacked

Here's what happens when you click "Show details and preference":

China hacked

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